Carli-Tom Wedding
- At March 12, 2011
- By Christine
- In Weddings
One crisp, fall day, our quartet played at Carli and Tom’s wedding ceremony. Their wedding took place in a large, grand parish hall in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. Their Catholic ceremony was elegant and concise. The pieces we played were:
Family/Groomsmen: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)
Bridesmaids: Canon in D (Pachelbel)
Bride: Bridal Chorus (Wagner)
Readings: Arioso (Bach) and Winter (Vivaldi)
Unity Candle: Ave Maria (Schubert)
Carli surprised Tom by having a bagpiper play for their recessional. Our quartet finished with some celebratory postlude music as guests left the building.
Congratulations Tom and Carli!
If you have more than one reading, many couples choose to have a short, musical reflection between them. You may also choose to have two (or more) musical reflections before and after readings as Carli and Tom chose to do.